
看后视镜也罚款! 亚马逊司机吐槽AI摄像头

Looking at the rearview mirror is also fine! Amazon.Com Inc driver complains about AI camera

新浪美股 ·  Sep 21, 2021 09:12

AmazonSome delivery drivers have recently complained that they have been "unfairly" punished for violating some so-called safe driving habits. The AI camera on Amazon.Com Inc's delivery truck will make the driver look into the rearview mirror, adjust the radio, and even be judged as unsafe driving behavior by other vehicles blocking the way.

"it's really upsetting because I didn't do anything," said a delivery driver in Los Angeles. A car stood in my way and drove into my driveway, but the camera yelled at me in a dystopian dark, mechanical voice.

But Amazon.Com Inc said accidents and other safety violations have decreased since Netradyne cameras were installed on delivery vehicles. Every time the camera captures potentially unsafe driving behavior, it is counted as an employee's performance score, affecting their chances of getting bonuses, extra pay and rewards.

This helps to determine whether Amazon.Com Inc's driver's score is "poor", "average", "good" or "excellent". DSPs, which hires and manages drivers, will receive bonuses for repairs, damage and other things only if the driver's overall weekly score is "excellent".

Some drivers said: "Amazon.Com Inc uses these cameras to ensure that there is a safer driving team, but they are actually using it without paying."

In response, Amazon.Com Inc said that the technology provides drivers with real-time alerts to help them stay safe on the road. Since cameras were installed in more than half of US fleets, accidents have been reduced by 48 per cent, stop sign and light violations by 77 per cent, distance too close to the car by 50 per cent, driving without seat belts by 60 per cent and distracted driving by 75 per cent.

However, some Amazon.Com Inc drivers have covered the cameras with stickers to avoid being punished. Other drivers wear sunglasses so that the cameras do not judge their eye movements as distracted driving.

"the Netradyne camera Amazon.Com Inc installed on our van is a nightmare," said Amazon.Com Inc, a former driver in Alabama. "personally, I don't think it's safe to have a camera to monitor my every move."

Drivers also said it was difficult for them to complain to Amazon.Com Inc about the mismarked incident, and they had tried many times but were often rejected.

Amazon.Com Inc said that the appeals of drivers will be manually reviewed, and errors will not affect them.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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