

China Merchants: Ali Taocai will most likely become the third pole of community e-commerce.

格隆滙 ·  Sep 17, 2021 10:17
On September 17, BABA set up a community e-commerce business group in March 2021 to comprehensively enter the community e-commerce track, and on September 14, the external brand was upgraded to vegetable panning. China Merchants commented that Amoy is committed to becoming the builder of community commercial modernization. As an innovative format under BABA's new retail strategy, the Group has given Amoy comprehensive resource support. Community e-commerce market space is broad, although Taocai entered the bureau late, it has obvious advantages in resource endowment and financial strength, and the group attaches high importance to it, and the order volume is growing rapidly. It is likely that it will become the third pole of community e-commerce, and provide considerable value for BABA in GMV, customers and other dimensions. It is suggested that we should pay active attention to it.

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