
港股石油概念股集体走强 国际油价创三周最大涨幅

Hong Kong oil concept stocks collectively strengthen international oil prices achieved the biggest increase in three weeks

格隆滙 ·  Sep 16, 2021 09:24
Hong Kong gasoline equipment and service stocks strengthened, CNOOC Energy rose nearly 5%, Andong Oilfield Services rose 3.77%, Jutao Oil Service rose 2.7%, China Oilfield Service and China Petroleum & Chemical Corp Oil Service rose more than 1%; of the "three barrels of oil", China Petroleum & Chemical Corp rose 3%, PetroChina rose 2.9%, and CNOOC rose 2.19%. International crude oil futures closed higher for four consecutive days. Us oil closed up 3.09 per cent at $72.64 yesterday, while cloth oil closed up 2.58 per cent at $75.50. Both US oil and cloth oil hit new highs since August 2 and the biggest daily gains since August 23.

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