

Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology made 5 big trades on September 15.

證券時報網 ·  Sep 16, 2021 08:09

Original title: Xinjiang Goldwind Science & TechnologyThere are five big trades on September 15th.

Securities Times Network News, Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Sept. 15 bulk trading platform a total of 5 transactions, a total of 25.8 million shares, with a turnover of 475 million yuan. The transaction price is a discount to the closing price of the day. According to further statistics, there have been a total of seven major transactions in the stock in the past three months, with a total transaction value of 625 million yuan. According to Liangrong data, the latest financing balance of the stock is 2.65 billion yuan, an increase of 228 million yuan, or 9.4%, in the past five days.

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