
中铝国际(02068.HK)A股异动 不存在未披露重大信息

There is no undisclosed material information about the changes in the A shares of 02068.HK International (Chinalco).

格隆滙 ·  Sep 15, 2021 18:33

On September 15, China Aluminum International (02068.HK) announced that the company's stock closed with a cumulative deviation of 20% for three consecutive trading days on September 13, September 14 and September 15, 2021. According to the relevant provisions of the trading rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the company's stock trading is abnormal. According to the company's self-examination and written inquiry of the company's controlling shareholder, Aluminum Corporation Of China Ltd Group Co., Ltd., as of the date of disclosure of the announcement, there is no material information that should be disclosed but not disclosed.

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