
港股异动 | 理文化工(0746.HK)大涨逾15%再度破顶 月内股价已翻倍

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | 0746.HK (Liwen Chemical) rose more than 15% and broke its peak again. Its share price has doubled in the month.

格隆滙 ·  Sep 15, 2021 15:49
0746.HK continued its strong rally on September 15, rising more than 15% in late trading to a record high of HK $11.72. The share price has doubled during the month, with a total market capitalization of nearly HK $10 billion.

Business Society refrigerant analysts believe that the current rise in raw material prices, refrigerant manufacturers limited by raw materials, start low, prices are expected to continue to rise in the short term. The increase in demand for refrigerants leads to an increase in the demand for methane chlorides.

The company's main products include methane chloride, caustic soda and hydrogen peroxide. It is reported that the company's methane chloride product revenue accounts for about 26% of the total revenue.


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