
天音控股:收购交易不涉及市场传闻的荣耀品牌商标等资产 市场传闻不准确

Tianyin Holdings: the acquisition deal does not involve market rumors, such as glorious brands, trademarks and other assets, market rumors are not accurate.

格隆滙 ·  Sep 14, 2021 22:28
Gelonghui September 14, Tianyin Holdings announced that the acquisition deal does not involve the market rumors of glorious brand trademarks, some research and development, supply chain and other assets, market rumors are not accurate. The basic situation of the parties to the transaction has been disclosed, and the proposed acquisition scope of this transaction involves assets such as the trademark of Tianlong Mobile's mobile phone sub-brand, part of research and development and supply chain, etc., this transaction does not involve assets such as glorious brand trademark, part of research and development and supply chain, which are rumored in the market, and the market rumors are not accurate. After self-examination, the company does not violate the fair disclosure of information, there is no disclosure of inside information in advance, and the relevant insider does not have insider trading.

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