
中铝国际A股涨停H股涨10% 公司子公司主导设计了两个碳酸锂项目

Chinalco's international A shares rose by 10%. The company's subsidiaries led the design of two lithium carbonate projects.

新浪港股 ·  Sep 14, 2021 11:23

Chinalco InternationalAh shares rose collectively, A shares rose by the daily limit, and H shares rose 9.76%. The company's subsidiary Changsha Nonferrous Metallurgical Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. led the design of two projects with an annual output of 10,000 tons of lithium carbonate, Qinghai Lithium Industry Co., Ltd., and Qinghai Dongtai Jinel Lithium Resources Co., Ltd.

Chinalco International recently said on the interactive platform that the company's subsidiary Changsha Nonferrous Metallurgical Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd. led the design of two lithium carbonate projects with an annual production capacity of 10,000 tons, Qinghai Lithium Industry Co., Ltd., and Qinghai Dongtai Jinel Lithium Resources Co., Ltd. The project adopts the world's advanced salt lake lithium extraction process for the synthesis of lithium carbonate by ion selective migration, with advanced process route, high degree of automation, stable product quality and low cost, and directly offline battery-grade lithium carbonate products.

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