
谷歌被韩国罚款1.77亿美元 因滥用主导地位排挤竞争对手

Alphabet Inc-CL C was fined 177 million US dollars by South Korea for abusing his dominant position to crowd out competitors.

新浪美股 ·  Sep 14, 2021 11:29

South Korean regulators announced on Tuesday that Alphabet Inc-CL C, a subsidiary of Alphabet,The company was fined 207.4 billion won ($177 million) for allegedly abusing the dominant position of its Android operating system to hinder the development of competitors.

South Korea's Fair Trade Commission said Alphabet Inc-CL C's mobile operating system drives more than 80 per cent of the world's smartphones and accused Alphabet Inc-CL C of using his strong bargaining power to crowd out competitors. Alphabet Inc-CL C and Samsung ElectronicsThe Anti-fragmentation Agreement (AFA) reached by handset makers such as LG Electronics forbids handset makers from developing or using a modified Android operating system.

The regulator banned Alphabet Inc-CL C from forcing handset makers to sign AFA contracts and ordered them to amend existing contracts.

Tuesday is also the day that South Korea's recently passed Anti-Google Law came into effect, which forced Apple IncAnd Alphabet Inc-CL C opened their app store to external payment systems, effectively banning them from taking commissions from app developers, setting a global precedent.

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