

Xiwang Special Steel (01266.HK) applies for resumption of trading in the afternoon

AAFN ·  Sep 13, 2021 12:17

Xiwang Special SteelIt is announced that the board of directors intends to supplement further information on share sales by the controlling shareholders. Xiwang Investment directly or indirectly holds a total of 868 million shares, accounting for approximately 36.64% of the total issued share capital of the company immediately following the sale and up to the date of the announcement. The company will disclose further progress of the above matters in a timely manner by way of further announcement in accordance with the listing rules and other regulatory requirements. At the request of the company, trading in the shares has been suspended on the Stock Exchange since 1: 00 p.m. on September 9, 2021, pending the announcement and the above announcement. the company has applied to the Stock Exchange for resumption of trading from 1: 00 p.m. today (13). (ha/u) ~ Astak Financial News website:

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