
芝加哥特朗普大厦获减税30% 因零售空间无人入住

Trump Tower in Chicago gets a 30% tax cut because retail space is unoccupied

新浪美股 ·  Sep 13, 2021 10:39

The Trump International Hotel, one of Chicago's landmarks, received a 30 per cent property tax cut, but that was not a pleasant thing for the former US president because most of the building's commercial space was vacant.

It is reported that the latest estimate of retail space in the building has fallen by about 37 per cent from $19.9 million to $12.5 million, as about 95 per cent of the retail space is idle.

As the valuation fell, Trump's property tax on the building's commercial space fell to $698399 in 2020 from $1 million the previous year.

The glass-walled Trump International Hotel in Chicago occupies a prominent position on the city's skyline and is the seventh tallest building in the United States. But profits at the building fell 89 per cent in the four years to 2018. Real estate blog The real Deal said in 2019 that the building was the "biggest failure" of Chicago retail.

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