

China Merchants Bank and Shanghai Electric strengthen cooperation in industrial mergers and acquisitions, supply chain finance and other fields

證券時報網 ·  Sep 13, 2021 09:39

Original title: China Merchants BankAnd Shanghai ElectricStrengthen cooperation in industrial mergers and acquisitions, supply chain finance and other fields

Securities Times News, according to Shanghai Electric September 12 news, Shanghai Electric and China Merchants Bank recently signed a strategic cooperation agreement. According to the agreement, the two sides will give full play to their respective industrial and resource advantages, dock key national strategies and major projects, focus on industrial layout and core technological innovation, and promote the implementation of major national strategic arrangements. Through in-depth innovation and cooperation in the fields of industrial mergers and acquisitions, supply chain finance, and international "going global", we will jointly promote supply-side structural reform and form a new pattern of omni-directional strategic cooperation.

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