
【港股通】新天绿色能源(00956)前八月累计发电量893.20万兆瓦时 同比增加47.41%

[Hong Kong Stock Connect] the cumulative power generation of Xintian Green Energy (00956) increased by 47.41% year on year by 8.932 million megawatt hours in the first eight months.

鳳凰網港股 ·  Sep 10, 2021 16:57

Phoenix New Media Hong Kong stocks |Xintian Green Energy (00956)It was announced that in August 2021, the company and its subsidiaries completed generating capacity of 611700 megawatt hours according to the consolidated statement, an increase of 21.50% over the same period last year. As of August 31, 2021, a total of 8.932 million megawatt-hours of electricity was generated, an increase of 47.41% over the same period last year.

In August 2021, the group sold 200 million cubic meters of gas according to the consolidated statement, an increase of 17.72% over the same period last year. As of August 31, 2021, gas sales totaled 2.517 billion cubic meters, an increase of 14.08 percent over the same period last year.

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