
【券商聚焦】摩通降九龙仓置业(01997)至“减持”评级 指其将受旅游复苏延迟影响

[Broker Focus] Motong downgraded Jiulongchang Real Estate (01997) to “reduced holdings” rating, indicating that it will be affected by delays in tourism recovery

鳳凰網港股 ·  Sep 10, 2021 14:00

Phoenix News Hong Kong Stock Exchange | According to the Motong Research Report, the bank willJiulong Warehouse Group(01997) The rating was downgraded from “neutral” to “reduced holdings”, and the target price was lowered from HK$39.6 to HK$36.8.

Motong believes that the company will face the following risks: 1) further delays in the re-liberalization of tourism in Hong Kong and the Mainland; 2) potential changes in the consumption behavior of mainland tourists; and 3) the risk of declining retail rental income and asset revaluation in 2022.

According to Motong, it will reduce its holdings of this stock when the price rises.

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