

“Southeast Asia Tencent” Singapore Donghai Group sells shares and convertible bonds to raise US$6 billion

新浪財經 ·  Sep 10, 2021 12:46

  Singapore's online gaming and e-commerce giant Sea Ltd. (Sea Ltd.), known as “Southeast Asia's Little Tencent,” raised about 6 billion US dollars by selling American depository stocks and convertible bonds, making the largest stock sale ever for a Southeast Asian company.

  The company sold 11 million American Depositary Shares (ADS) at $318 each, raising approximately $3.5 billion. This price is about 1.4% off the stock's closing price of $322.60 on Thursday.

  The stock offering includes possible overallocations, which, if executed, would increase to around $4 billion. This will be the largest stock offering ever for a Southeast Asian company.

  Additionally, the company has issued convertible bonds worth $2.5 billion, maturing in 2026, with a coupon interest of 0.25%. The company plans to use these proceeds for commercial expansion, as well as potential investments and mergers and acquisitions.

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