

Xiwang Special Steel (01266.HK): The holding company Dongxiwang Investment reduced its holdings by 277 million shares

格隆滙 ·  Sep 10, 2021 12:21

Gelonghui September 10th 丨 Xiwang Special Steel (01266.HK) announced,incorporationA total of about 277 million shares of the company were sold from September 1 to September 9, 2021 after receiving a notice from Dongxiwang Investment, one of the holding companies. Immediately prior to the sale, Xiwang Investment directly or indirectly held a total of about 1,145 million shares. Immediately after the sale and until2021/9/10Xiwang Investment directly or indirectly holds a total of about 868 million shares.

The company anticipates that the sale will have no adverse effect on the Group's operations. As of September 10, 2021, Xiwang Investment remained the controlling shareholder of the company.

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