

The number of jobless claims in the US recorded 310,000 at the beginning of the week until September 4

新浪美股 ·  Sep 9, 2021 20:30

The number of initial claims for unemployment benefits in the United States recorded 310000 in the week to September 4, the lowest since the week of March 14, 2020.

After the release of unemployment benefits data in the United States, the spot gold and silver, dollar index DXY short-term fluctuations are not big.

According to the agency's review of the data on initial jobless claims in the United States that week, the number of initial jobless claims in the United States has declined steadily, thanks to progress in vaccination and the reopening of the demand for workers, which fell more than expected last week, indicating that the job market continues to recover fully. However, the number of initial jobless claims is still higher than before the outbreak, and the recent surge in confirmed cases is likely to disrupt the job market recovery. Economists expect growth to slow in the third quarter as stimulus spending slows.

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