

Zhongda Group Holdings (00139) spent HK $14.9952 million to buy 5.28 million shares of Huaxia Culture and Technology (01566).

智通財經 ·  Sep 8, 2021 19:56

Zitong Financial App NewsletterZhongda Group Holdings (00139)It was announced that on September 8, 2021, the Group acquired 5.28 million shares in the open market for a total consideration of about HK $14.9952 million.Huaxia Culture and Science and Technology (01566)Shares.

The announcement said that Huaxia Culture Group is a Chinese multimedia animation and entertainment group. In view of the growing demand for multimedia animation and entertainment in China, the company believes that the future of Huaxia Culture is promising, and the acquisition is an investment opportunity for the Group.

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