
小摩:中集安瑞科(03899)或受惠于经济增长 能源股首选龙源电力(00916)

Xiao Mo: CIMC Enrico (03899) or China Longyuan Power Group Corporation (00916) is the first choice for energy stocks benefiting from economic growth.

智通財經 ·  Sep 8, 2021 15:50

Zhitong Financial APP learned that Xiaomo released a research report saying that ENN Energy (02688) share price has limited room to rise further, and "downgraded" Hong Kong And China Gas (00003) and Huaneng International (00902), believing that Huaneng International's performance in the past month overreflected the good news of electricity price increases.

According to the report, energy stocks are one of the best performing sectors in the AH stock market, and investors tend to have limited policy risk and predictable structural growth shares in volatile market conditions. The bank preferred China Longyuan Power Group Corporation (00916) among Hong Kong stocks, while smart grid parts makers were the top choice in the segment, an industry with a carbon-neutral investment concept and lower valuations than solar and electric car stocks. In addition, the bank is optimistic that CIMC Enrico (03899) will benefit from China's economic growth in the second half of this year.

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