
港股异动 | 利好叠加 时代天使(6699.HK)升超7%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | it is good to add Angelalign Technology Inc. (6699.HK) to rise by more than 7%.

格隆滙 ·  Sep 6, 2021 15:27
Angelalign Technology Inc. (6699.HK) rose more than 7% on Sept. 6, recovering the continuous decline a few days ago. It was at HK $385, with a temporary turnover of HK $189 million, with a total market capitalization of HK $65 billion. The adjustment of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect and the transfer of Angelalign Technology Inc. and others will take effect from today. Angelalign Technology Inc. has maintained rapid growth in the past six months, in line with the good expectations of the capital market for the company. The company is a leading invisible orthodontic enterprise in China, with a sound and reliable development model, and Southwest Securities continues to be optimistic about the medium-and long-term development of the company. It is worth mentioning that since the submission of the prospectus in January, Angelalign Technology Inc. has received widespread attention in the capital markets, with the IPO stage being more than 2, 000 times oversubscribed.

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