
大行评级 | 花旗:下调香格里拉(亚洲)(0069.HK)目标价至8港元 评级“买入”

Big Bank rating | Citibank: downgrade Shangri-La (Asia) (0069.HK) target price to HK $8 "buy" rating

格隆滙 ·  Sep 6, 2021 12:01
Gelonghui September 6, Shangri-La (Asia) (0069.HK)'s core loss in the first half of this year narrowed by 53.8% to US $118 million. Citigroup reported that its performance is expected to continue to improve in the second half of this year as travel restrictions are relaxed, but there is still uncertainty about the Delta variant. The bank cut its profit forecast by 13% to HK $8, with a rating of "buy". Citi said that Shangri-La (Asia) shares are currently low, that the short-term adverse factors have been largely reflected in the stock price, the gradual recovery of global cross-border tourism will be the next factor driving the stock price.

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