
联合能源集团(00467):东方集团发布《发行股份及支付现金购买资产暨关联交易预案 (修订稿)》

United Energy Group (00467): Oriental Group issues "preliminary Plan for issuing shares and paying Cash for Asset purchase and related transactions (revised draft)"

智通財經 ·  Sep 3, 2021 21:29

Zhitong Financial APP News, United Energy Group (00467) announced that on September 3, 2021, Oriental Group shares announced the "preliminary Plan for issuing shares and paying cash for asset purchases and related party transactions (revised draft)" on the website of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

According to the revised draft of the plan, it is suggested that the implementation of the possible transaction will depend on the exemption granted by the executor to any obligation of the issued shares of the company that may give rise to a full offer as a result of the implementation of the possible transaction. Prior to the implementation of the possible transaction, United Oil and Gas Holdings Limited (a company wholly owned by Zhang Hongwei and directly holding approximately 22.01% of the company, of which Zhang Hongwei is the chairman, executive director and ultimate controlling shareholder of the company) ("UPNGHL") United Energy Holdings Limited (a company wholly owned by Zhang Hongwei and directly holds approximately 13.88% of the company) ("UEHL") and Mingshi Group Limited (a company wholly owned by Zhang Meiying, the executive director and daughter of Zhang Hongwei) ("Mingshi Group") will work with He Fu International Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Huilan). Direct holding of approximately 30.54% of the company) ("He Fu") entered into an arrangement.

Accordingly, He Fu will be entitled to exercise the voting rights attached to the company's shares held by UPNGHL, UEHL and Mingshi Group (as the case may be); and after the voting arrangements take effect (if implemented), UPNGHL, UEHL and Mingshi Group will no longer be entitled to exercise their voting rights attached to the company's shares, and the corporate voting rights exercisable by He Fu are expected to increase from approximately 30.54% to 71.34%.

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