
旷逸国际(01683)中期股东应占溢利385.3万港元 同比下降6.12%

Kang Yi International (01683) medium-term profit attributable to shareholders of HK $3.853 million decreased by 6.12% compared with the same period last year.

智通財經 ·  Aug 31, 2021 18:12

Zhitong Financial APP News, Kuangyi International (01683) issued a results announcement for the six months ended June 30, 2021, the company's continuing operating income of HK $63.506 million, an increase of 55.56% over the same period last year; profit attributable to owners of the company was HK $3.853 million, down 6.12% from the same period last year; and basic earnings per share were HK0.64 cents.

According to the announcement, the group's business segment consists of three main divisions, namely, construction and supporting services, financial services and consumer products business. During the period, revenue from construction and supporting services increased by 58.3%. The increase in revenue from the division was mainly due to the increase in revenue contribution to the construction of non-residential projects and supporting services.

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