

Fangyuan Life Service: the total revenue increased by 105.1% to 264 million yuan.

樂居財經 ·  Aug 30, 2021 21:40

  Leju Holdings Ltd Financial News Lan LanAugust thirtiethFangyuan Life Service (09978.HK)When the interim results for 2021 are released, the total revenue during the period is about 264 million yuan, an increase of about 105.1% compared with 129 million yuan in the same period in 2020; the profit attributable to the owners of the company is about 11.1 million yuan, compared with 2.7 million yuan in the same period last year.

During the reporting period, net profit margin increased from 2% to 5.7%. The increase is mainly due to the expansion of business in the current period, the improvement of efficiency, and the increase in income is greater than that of the corresponding expenses.

The business of living service is mainly distributed in Guangzhou, other areas of Dawan area, etc., and its business distribution is real estate agency service, property management service, value-added service and community value-added service.

Article source: Leju Holdings Ltd Finance and Economics

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