
大行评级 | 高盛:予达利食品(3799.HK)买入评级 目标价5.4港元

Big Bank rating | Goldman Sachs Group: the target price for 3799.HK 's buy rating is HK $5.40.

格隆滙 ·  Aug 30, 2021 17:36
Goldman Sachs Group said in a research report that the target price of 3799.HK has dropped slightly from HK $5.60 to HK $5.40, mainly reflecting the drop in gross profit margin due to the pressure on the cost of materials on the plateau. The company's sales and net profit rose 11% and 7% in the first half, roughly in line with the bank's expectations, with faster growth in household consumption income and pressure on gross profit margins in the beverage business, the report said. The bank said that looking ahead, the restructuring of distributors and the redesign of incentives have begun to play a role in beverage growth, and energy drinks are expected to achieve faster growth from the second half of the year under better channel incentives. The company actively promotes sales productivity and promotes the growth of bread faster than that of the industry, while the active launch of new soy milk products has also begun to contribute.

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