
百利保控股(00617.HK)中期股东应占亏损1.36亿港元 同比收窄75.6%

Medium-term loss attributable to shareholders of Bailibao Holdings (00617.HK) was HK $136 million, down 75.6% from the same period last year.

智通財經 ·  Aug 25, 2021 06:12

Zitong Financial App NewsletterBailibao Holdings(00617.HK) announced that in the six months ended June 30, 2021, the company's revenue was HK $1.111 billion, up 34% from a year earlier; the loss attributable to shareholders was HK $136 million, down 75.6% from a year earlier; and the basic loss per share was HK15.77 cents.

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