

Well-known analyst: Apple Inc shareholders rest assured to get a good night's sleep, the stock price will exceed 200 US dollars next year.

新浪財經 ·  Aug 25, 2021 12:42

Gene Munster, a prominent technology analyst and co-founder of Loup Ventures, said on Tuesday that Tim Cook had consolidated his position as the world's greatest CEO over the past decade.

Cook took office as Apple Inc on August 24th.The tenth anniversary of CEO. Munster said Cook succeeded in maintaining Apple Inc's culture of making rich products while also promoting services, privacy and security.

"knowing that they own Apple Inc stock, investors can sleep in peace," Munster said. "

In the next 10 years, Apple Inc is expected to enter the automotive industry through electric vehicles and expand his influence in augmented reality or virtual reality through Apple Inc's Apple Glasses.

Munster said that these two areas reflect only a small part of Apple Inc's current market capitalization, and there is a huge potential market.

He said he thought Apple Inc's share price would reach more than $200 next year, and advised investors to "stick it out." I think it will continue to go higher. "

Apple Inc shares fell 0.06% to close at $149.62 on Tuesday. Since Cook became CEO, the company's shares have risen 1014%.

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