
中粮包装(00906.HK):1H21业绩同增36.5% 两片罐业务表现亮眼

Cofco Packaging (00906.HK): 1H21 performance is the same as 36.5%. Two cans have outstanding performance.

中金公司 ·  Aug 20, 2021 00:00

1H21's performance exceeded our expectations.

The company announced 1H21 results: revenue 4.692 billion yuan, year-on-year + 38.6%; net profit 249 million yuan, year-on-year + 36.5%, performance exceeded our expectations. In addition, the company announced a semi-annual dividend of 0.112 yuan per share.

1. Revenue improved steadily in the first half of the year, and the performance of the two cans was eye-catching. Company 1H21 revenue 4.692 billion yuan, year-on-year + 38.6%, product point of view: 1) tinplate packaging revenue of 2.251 billion yuan, year-on-year + 35.4%, of which steel drum business revenue of 669 million yuan, + 67.3%, mainly benefited from the industry in the cost pressure and "withdraw from the city to enter the park" policy to accelerate integration, the company's market share increased; milk powder can business income of 356 million yuan, year-on-year + 6.9% The aerosol can business continued to expand new markets and customers, achieving revenue of 342 million yuan, year-on-year + 51.3%. 2) Aluminum packaging revenue of 2.141 billion yuan, + 44.8% year-on-year, of which the revenue of two pieces of cans was 2.051 billion yuan, + 45.7% over the same period last year, mainly due to the continuous improvement of canning rate driven by the high end of downstream beer, and the high sales of two cans. 3) plastic packaging revenue of 286 million yuan, year-on-year + 21.8% ‰

2. The price of raw materials has risen, and the gross profit margin has declined. The company's 1H21 gross profit margin was 14.1%, down 2.2ppt from the same period last year. According to the product, the gross profit margin of tinplate packaging / aluminum packaging / plastic packaging changed-3.8ppt/-1.2ppt/+2.9ppt to 12.4%, 15.6%, 16.7%. We believe that the decline in gross profit margin of metal packaging business is mainly affected by the rising prices of upstream steel, aluminum and other raw materials. In terms of expense rate, the sales expense rate is maintained at 4.2%, and the management expense rate / financial expense rate is reduced by-0.5ppt/-0.8ppt to 4.1% and 0.6% respectively, effectively hedging the impact of the decline in gross profit margin, and the net profit rate is from-0.1ppt to 5.3% ‰ compared with the same period last year.

Follow up to pay attention to the business orders of the two cans and the changes in the price of raw materials. In recent years, consumption upgrading has promoted the continuous improvement of beer canning rate and the demand for new cans of carbonated drinks, which has led to the steady growth of the two-piece can industry, the continuous clearance of small and medium-sized production capacity at the supply end, the optimization of the competition pattern and the consistent willingness of the head enterprises to raise prices. Cofco Packaging actively opens up new customers on the basis of deepening its relationship with existing customers, and actively promotes the innovation and upgrading of R & D, brand and production capacity, and increases the capacity layout of key products. The second-tier production capacity of Tianjin and Wuhan has been put into production smoothly. Chengdu third-line plan will be launched in the second half of the year, and we believe that future performance is expected to grow steadily. However, the recent rise in raw material prices may affect the company's profitability, it is recommended to focus on tracking the company's orders and raw material price trends.

Profit forecast and valuation

Based on the increased concentration of the metal packaging industry and the company's active expansion of new business and customers, the company's market share has increased by 21% of EPS 17% green in 2021 and 2022 to 0.38 yuan / 0.43 yuan. The current share price corresponds to a price-to-earnings ratio of 10.0 times 2021 / 2022. Maintain a neutral rating and raise the target price by 19 per cent to HK $4.70 based on earnings forecasts, corresponding to a price-to-earnings ratio of 10.7 / 9.4 times 2021 / 2022, with 6.6 per cent upside from the current share price.


The price of raw materials fluctuates greatly and the orders of core customers fluctuate.

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