

“Black Widow” Sues Disney: Company Receives $125 Million Online Revenue from Movies

新浪財經 ·  Aug 23, 2021 03:19

DisneyThe company (Walt Disney) said in a court filing on Friday that it had earned $125 million online from the Marvel superhero film Black Widow. Three weeks ago, the company's star Scarlett Scarlett Johansson sued Walt Disney Company.

Scarlett Johansson sued Walt Disney Company last month, alleging that the company violated her contract by providing streaming services while the film was released.

Scarlett Johansson filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court, claiming that the double release strategy of "the Black Widow" reduced her pay.

In the complaint, Walt Disney Company rejected Johnson's request for a civil trial in Los Angeles, asking the lawsuit to be submitted to New York for arbitration.

Walt Disney Company said the lawsuit was "of no value", adding that the online distribution of the film had "greatly improved her (Johnson)'s ability to get extra pay, and she has so far received $20 million."

The outcome of the lawsuit is likely to have a broader impact on the entertainment industry, as media companies try to build their own streaming services by offering paid programming to attract users.

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