

ATV Holdings (00707) affiliated to enter into a letter of intent for a non-homogeneous token strategic partnership with Juggernaut on behalf of the company.

智通財經 ·  Aug 19, 2021 18:00

Zhitong Financial APP News, Asia Television Holdings (00707) issued an announcement that on August 19, 2021, Dalton Technology Inc, a representative company of ATV Culture and Juggernaut DeFi, a wholly owned subsidiary of the company. A non-legally binding letter of intent for strategic partnership with non-homogeneous tokens (NFT) has been concluded.

According to the letter of intent, Juggernaut will become the official partner and NFT provider of ATV Culture, including: ATV Culture will provide ATV TV programs, including, but not limited to, the intellectual property rights of the Miss Asia campaign, as well as other marketing materials to produce the IP Rights's NFT (ATVNFTs), including photos and videos. Juggernaut will provide relevant technical support for the creation of ATVNFTs based on IPRights; the parties agree that the ATVNFTs; related to the first batch of Miss Asia series IPRights will promote ATVNFTs; through their respective channels and network platforms and will share all the revenue generated by ATVNFTs from ATV IPRights in a certain proportion.

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