
《盈警響號》REGAL INT'L(00078.HK)料中期虧損收窄至2.8億元

The medium-term loss of "earnings alarm" REGAL INT'L (00078.HK) narrowed to 280 million yuan.

即市頭條 ·  Aug 18, 2021 08:59

REGAL INT'L (00078.HK) issued a profit warning, which is expected to record a net loss of 280 million yuan in the period to the end of June, compared with a net loss of 853 million yuan in the same period last year. The depreciation charge of Qimen Company in the hotel portfolio in Hong Kong is 251 million yuan.

The company stated that losses during the period narrowed year-on-year due to significant improvements in other business segments, including investments in financial assets and interests in the joint venture company.

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