

US Mormon funds invested in the stock market during the pandemic and made a huge profit of nearly $20 billion

新浪財經 ·  Aug 17, 2021 13:59

Ensign Peak Advisors, the investment fund of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints (Mormon), earned another $3 billion from the stock market in the second quarter of this year, extending 15 consecutive months of stock market gains since the outbreak last year, according to the latest regulatory filings.

The Salt Lake City-based investment fund's stock portfolio is currently worth $49.6 billion, an increase of nearly $20 billion since the outbreak of the crisis.

Investments in these stocks and mutual funds appear to account for a large portion of Ensign Peak's assets under management, with a whistleblower revealing at least $100 billion at the end of 2019.

After whistleblowers revealed, Ensign Peak began submitting public reports on its stock portfolio to US regulators in early 2020, when the total market value of its holdings was $37.8 billion. The huge account fell below $30 billion in the second quarter of last year as global financial markets plummeted as a result of COVID-19 's epidemic, according to SEC filings.

But as the U. S. stock market rebounded, the fund's earnings also increased quarter by quarter. With $3 billion in the second quarter, the value of its stock portfolio has increased by $19.7 billion since the low point of the epidemic.

In May this year, the investment fund caused a sensation when it announced its holdings.Game stationThe value of shares soared from $867000 to $8.7 million in just a few months, up 907 per cent. The fund sold all its 46000 shares of PlayStation shares in the second quarter, according to the latest documents.

The fund has also reduced its holdings.TeslaIts position fell from $433 million at the end of March to $381 million at the end of June.

But the fund's long-term holdings in some large technology companies have increased.AmazonAppleMicrosoft CorpFacebook IncAndAlphabet Inc-CL CThe company's shares now add up to $8.9 billion, nearly $1 billion more than at the end of March.

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