

CITIC Resources (01205.HK) signs financial services agreement with China CITIC Bank International

格隆滙 ·  Aug 16, 2021 20:14

Gelonghui August 16 丨CITIC Resources (01205.HK) announced,On August 16, 2021, the company and China CITIC Bank International signed a CITIC Bank International Financial Services Agreement. According to this, China CITIC Bank International agreed to provide financial services (including but not limited to deposit services) to service recipients (including the company and its subsidiaries from time to time).

On August 16, 2021, the company and CITIC Financial International entered into a CITIC Finance International Financial Services Agreement. According to this, CITIC Finance International agreed to provide financial services (including but not limited to deposit services) to service recipients (including the company and its subsidiaries from time to time).

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