
高門集團(08412.HK)附屬獲新投資者斥600萬入股 股權攤薄至72%

The subsidiary of Gao Men Group (08412.HK) was diluted to 72% by new investors with a stake of 6 million.

即市頭條 ·  Aug 16, 2021 14:48

Gao Men Group (08412.HK) announced that subsidiary Castle Team, which indirectly owns 51%, and six other new investors have each entered into share subscription agreements with indirect wholly-owned subsidiary Crown Grand and its direct holding company Lively World, and new investors will subscribe for a total of 30 new CG shares in Crown Grand at a total subscription price of 6 million yuan.

Upon completion, Crown Grand will be 28% owned by new investors and 72% owned by the company. Crown Grand will continue to be a subsidiary of the company, and its financial performance will continue to be incorporated into the company's performance.

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