

Medical Exchange Group (08161.HK) turned a loss of HK $302000 in the first quarter.

財華社 ·  Aug 16, 2021 10:12

[Caihua Social News] Medical remittance Group (08161.HK) announced that its income for the three months ended June 30, 2021 was about HK $31.798 million, which was the same as last year. The loss during the period was about HK $302000, compared with a profit of HK $20, 000 in the same period last year. Loss per share is HK0.03 cents; no dividend is paid.

The loss was mainly due to the absence of subsidies under the Hong Kong Government Employment Protection Scheme for the three months ended 30 June 2021 (about HK $773000 in the same period last year).

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