
6-K: Report of foreign private issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]

SEC ·  Jan 9 06:50

Summary by Futu AI

Bank of Montreal has scheduled its Annual Meeting for April 11, 2025, to be held in Toronto, ON. The record date for notice of meeting, voting eligibility, and beneficial ownership determination has been set for February 10, 2025.The bank will implement Notice and Access (NAA) requirements for both beneficial holders and registered holders, with no applicable stratification criteria. The bank will not send proxy materials directly to Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners (NOBO) but will cover delivery costs to Objecting Beneficial Owners (OBO).
Bank of Montreal has scheduled its Annual Meeting for April 11, 2025, to be held in Toronto, ON. The record date for notice of meeting, voting eligibility, and beneficial ownership determination has been set for February 10, 2025.The bank will implement Notice and Access (NAA) requirements for both beneficial holders and registered holders, with no applicable stratification criteria. The bank will not send proxy materials directly to Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners (NOBO) but will cover delivery costs to Objecting Beneficial Owners (OBO).

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