Summary by Futu AI
UNITEDENERGY GP Limited released its monthly report on securities changes as of December 31, 2024, on January 2, 2025. The report shows that the company's authorized share capital and the number of issued shares have not changed during the month. The company's authorized share capital remains at 60,000,000,000 shares, with a par value of 0.01 HKD per share, totaling 600,000,000 HKD. The total number of issued shares remains at 26,040,504,786 shares, which includes 25,849,594,786 shares of circulating stock and 190,910,000 shares of treasury stock. In addition, the stock option plan adopted by the company on May 27, 2016, is still in effect, and the total number of stock options exercisable by the end of the month is 1,308,572,137 shares. No new shares were issued or treasury stock changes occurred during the reporting period.