


HKEX ·  Jan 1 18:04

Summary by Futu AI

阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司宣布,將出售其持有的高鑫零售73.66%股權。根據買賣協議,買方Paragon Shine Limited有條件同意以每股1.55港元的價格購買阿里巴巴子公司持有的7,027,297,350股高鑫零售股份。交易完成後,阿里巴巴將不再持有高鑫零售任何股權。交易對價包括首次付款和第二次付款。首次付款為每股0.92港元,將於交割時支付。第二次付款為每股0.46港元,將於2028年6月30日或之前支付,並附帶利息。若高鑫零售2027/2028財年平均經調整EBITDA達到或超過上限,阿里巴巴最高可獲得每股1.75港元(含利息及中期股息),總額約131.38億港元。阿里巴巴表示,此次出售是將非核心資產變現的良機,所得款項將用於核心業務發展、提升股東回報及一般公司用途。交易完成後,預計將產生約131.77億人民幣的股東應佔損失。本次交易尚需滿足包括市場監管總局批准在內的多項條件。
阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司宣布,將出售其持有的高鑫零售73.66%股權。根據買賣協議,買方Paragon Shine Limited有條件同意以每股1.55港元的價格購買阿里巴巴子公司持有的7,027,297,350股高鑫零售股份。交易完成後,阿里巴巴將不再持有高鑫零售任何股權。交易對價包括首次付款和第二次付款。首次付款為每股0.92港元,將於交割時支付。第二次付款為每股0.46港元,將於2028年6月30日或之前支付,並附帶利息。若高鑫零售2027/2028財年平均經調整EBITDA達到或超過上限,阿里巴巴最高可獲得每股1.75港元(含利息及中期股息),總額約131.38億港元。阿里巴巴表示,此次出售是將非核心資產變現的良機,所得款項將用於核心業務發展、提升股東回報及一般公司用途。交易完成後,預計將產生約131.77億人民幣的股東應佔損失。本次交易尚需滿足包括市場監管總局批准在內的多項條件。
Alibaba Group Holding Limited announced that it will sell its 73.66% stake in SUNART RETAIL. According to the purchase agreement, the buyer, Paragon Shine Limited, conditionally agreed to buy 7,027,297,350 shares of SUNART RETAIL held by Alibaba's subsidiary at a price of HKD 1.55 per share. After the transaction is completed, Alibaba will no longer hold any equity in SUNART RETAIL.The transaction price includes an initial payment and a second payment. The initial payment is HKD 0.92 per share and will be paid at the time of delivery. The second payment is HKD 0.46 per share and will be paid on or before June 30, 2028, with interest. If the adjusted average EBITDA of SUNART RETAIL for the 2027/2028 fiscal year reaches or exceeds the upper...Show More
Alibaba Group Holding Limited announced that it will sell its 73.66% stake in SUNART RETAIL. According to the purchase agreement, the buyer, Paragon Shine Limited, conditionally agreed to buy 7,027,297,350 shares of SUNART RETAIL held by Alibaba's subsidiary at a price of HKD 1.55 per share. After the transaction is completed, Alibaba will no longer hold any equity in SUNART RETAIL.The transaction price includes an initial payment and a second payment. The initial payment is HKD 0.92 per share and will be paid at the time of delivery. The second payment is HKD 0.46 per share and will be paid on or before June 30, 2028, with interest. If the adjusted average EBITDA of SUNART RETAIL for the 2027/2028 fiscal year reaches or exceeds the upper limit, Alibaba may receive up to HKD 1.75 per share (including interest and interim dividends), totaling approximately HKD 13.138 billion.Alibaba stated that this sale is a good opportunity to monetize non-core assets, and the proceeds will be used for core business development, enhancing Shareholder returns, and general corporate purposes. After the transaction is completed, it is expected to result in approximately RMB 13.177 billion in Shareholder losses. This transaction is also subject to several conditions, including approval from the State Administration for Market Regulation.

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