Summary by Futu AI
On December 27, 2024, J.P. Morgan Securities PLC engaged in securities Trade regarding the possible voluntary general offer for SUNART RETAIL Co., Ltd. The company, as an exempt self-dealing merchant associated with the potential offeror, conducted two derivative instrument Trades for its own account.The first Trade involved issuing 39,500 shares of Other category derivative instruments, with a maturity date of November 11, 2026, a reference price of HKD 2.4529, and a total amount of HKD 96,889.55. The second Trade involved clearing 26,500 shares of Other category derivative instrument contracts, with a maturity date of December 29, 2025, a reference price of HKD 2.4566, and a total amount of HKD 65,099.90. After the Trades, the number of related securities reached 8,208,455 shares.These Trade disclosures were made in accordance with Rule 22 of the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers, reflecting market activities related to the potential general offer for SUNART RETAIL.