

PICC GROUP: Overseas Regulatory Announcement - The People's Insurance Fifth Board of Directors Sixth Meeting Resolution Announcement.

HKEX ·  Dec 27, 2024 01:30

Summary by Futu AI

PICC GROUP held the sixth meeting of the fifth Board of Directors on December 27, 2024, to review and approve several important proposals. The meeting was chaired by Chairman Ding Xiangqun, with 11 out of 14 directors present on-site, 2 attending via video link, and 1 represented by proxy.The meeting approved the 2023 annual salary settlement plan for the group's responsible persons and other senior management, as well as the salary settlement plan for directors and supervisors for 2023, which will be submitted to the shareholders' meeting for approval. Additionally, the meeting also passed a proposal to amend the group's information disclosure system and decided to convene the first extraordinary shareholders' meeting of 2025. The meeting also listened to reports on the consumer rights protection...Show More
PICC GROUP held the sixth meeting of the fifth Board of Directors on December 27, 2024, to review and approve several important proposals. The meeting was chaired by Chairman Ding Xiangqun, with 11 out of 14 directors present on-site, 2 attending via video link, and 1 represented by proxy.The meeting approved the 2023 annual salary settlement plan for the group's responsible persons and other senior management, as well as the salary settlement plan for directors and supervisors for 2023, which will be submitted to the shareholders' meeting for approval. Additionally, the meeting also passed a proposal to amend the group's information disclosure system and decided to convene the first extraordinary shareholders' meeting of 2025. The meeting also listened to reports on the consumer rights protection work in 2024 and the special audit report on solvency risk management systems.The convening of this meeting complies with relevant laws, regulations, and the company's articles of association, with all proposals being passed unanimously. Independent directors expressed their agreement with the salary settlement plan for directors and supervisors. These resolutions reflect The People's Insurance's ongoing improvements in corporate governance, salary management, and information disclosure.

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