


HKEX ·  Dec 21, 2024 00:39

Summary by Futu AI

君實生物公告修訂公司章程。主要修訂內容包括:1. 明確公司註冊資本為985,689,871元,股份總數為985,689,871股,其中A股766,394,171股,H股219,295,700股。2. 調整董事會和監事會的職權範圍,增加了部分職責。如董事會新增決定公司全資、控股公司改制、分立、重組、解散方案等職權。3. 完善利潤分配政策,明確現金分紅的條件和比例。規定公司每年以現金形式分配的利潤不少於當年可分配利潤的20%,且最近三年以現金方式累計分配的利潤不少於最近三年年均可分配利潤的30%。4. 增加投資者關係管理相關條款,明確與投資者溝通的內容和方式。5. 根據科創板和香港上市規則要求,對部分條款進行相應修訂。修訂後的公司章程將於股東大會審議通過之日起生效實施。
君實生物公告修訂公司章程。主要修訂內容包括:1. 明確公司註冊資本為985,689,871元,股份總數為985,689,871股,其中A股766,394,171股,H股219,295,700股。2. 調整董事會和監事會的職權範圍,增加了部分職責。如董事會新增決定公司全資、控股公司改制、分立、重組、解散方案等職權。3. 完善利潤分配政策,明確現金分紅的條件和比例。規定公司每年以現金形式分配的利潤不少於當年可分配利潤的20%,且最近三年以現金方式累計分配的利潤不少於最近三年年均可分配利潤的30%。4. 增加投資者關係管理相關條款,明確與投資者溝通的內容和方式。5. 根據科創板和香港上市規則要求,對部分條款進行相應修訂。修訂後的公司章程將於股東大會審議通過之日起生效實施。
JUNSHI BIO announces amendments to the company's articles of association. The main revisions include:1. Clarification that the company's registered capital is 985,689,871 yuan, with a total share count of 985,689,871 shares, including 766,394,171 A shares and 219,295,700 H shares.2. Adjustment of the powers of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, adding certain responsibilities. For example, the Board of Directors now has the authority to decide on proposals for the full ownership, restructuring, demerger, reorganization, and dissolution of the company or its subsidiaries.3. Improvement of the profit distribution policy, clarifying the conditions and ratios for cash dividends. It stipulates that the company's annual cash profit distribution shall not be less than 20% of the distributable profit for that year, and the...Show More
JUNSHI BIO announces amendments to the company's articles of association. The main revisions include:1. Clarification that the company's registered capital is 985,689,871 yuan, with a total share count of 985,689,871 shares, including 766,394,171 A shares and 219,295,700 H shares.2. Adjustment of the powers of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board, adding certain responsibilities. For example, the Board of Directors now has the authority to decide on proposals for the full ownership, restructuring, demerger, reorganization, and dissolution of the company or its subsidiaries.3. Improvement of the profit distribution policy, clarifying the conditions and ratios for cash dividends. It stipulates that the company's annual cash profit distribution shall not be less than 20% of the distributable profit for that year, and the cumulative cash profit distributed over the last three years shall not be less than 30% of the average distributable profit for the last three years.4. Addition of clauses related to investor relations management, specifying the content and methods for communication with investors.5. Amendments to certain clauses in accordance with the requirements of the Star and the Hong Kong listing rules.The revised articles of association will take effect from the date of approval at the shareholders' meeting.

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