
金風科技:關於為全資子公司Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited提供擔保的公告

GOLDWIND: Announcement regarding the guarantee provided for wholly-owned subsidiary Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited.

HKEX ·  Dec 19, 2024 18:14

Summary by Futu AI

金風科技宣布,其全資子公司金風國際控股(香港)有限公司的全資子公司Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited擬向Atmos Cwt Pty Ltd轉讓Wild Cattle Hill (Holding) Pty Ltd 100%股權,交易價格為9,930萬澳元。金風國際將為Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited在股權轉讓協議下的履約責任提供擔保,擔保金額不超過9,930萬澳元(約人民幣4.58億元)。此外,金風澳洲和金風昆士蘭將共同為Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited在本次交易涉及的預提資本利得稅繳納義務提供擔保,擔保金額不超過747.9萬澳元(約人民幣3,447.89萬元)。董事會認為本次擔保風險可控,不會對公司產生不利影響。本次擔保發生後,公司及控股子公司對外擔保餘額為人民幣25.68億元,佔公司最近一期經審計淨資產的6.83%。
金風科技宣布,其全資子公司金風國際控股(香港)有限公司的全資子公司Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited擬向Atmos Cwt Pty Ltd轉讓Wild Cattle Hill (Holding) Pty Ltd 100%股權,交易價格為9,930萬澳元。金風國際將為Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited在股權轉讓協議下的履約責任提供擔保,擔保金額不超過9,930萬澳元(約人民幣4.58億元)。此外,金風澳洲和金風昆士蘭將共同為Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited在本次交易涉及的預提資本利得稅繳納義務提供擔保,擔保金額不超過747.9萬澳元(約人民幣3,447.89萬元)。董事會認為本次擔保風險可控,不會對公司產生不利影響。本次擔保發生後,公司及控股子公司對外擔保餘額為人民幣25.68億元,佔公司最近一期經審計淨資產的6.83%。
Goldwind Science& Technology announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Goldwind International Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited intends to transfer 100% equity of Wild Cattle Hill (Holding) Pty Ltd to Atmos Cwt Pty Ltd for a transaction price of 99.3 million Australian Dollar. Goldwind International will guarantee the performance obligations of Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited under the equity transfer agreement, with a guarantee amount not exceeding 99.3 million Australian Dollar (approximately 0.458 billion yuan). In addition, Goldwind Australia and Goldwind Queensland will jointly guarantee Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited's obligation to pay the prepayment of capital gains tax involved in this transaction, with a guarantee amount not exceeding 7.479 million Australian Dollar (approximately 34.4789 million yuan). The Board of Directors believes that this guarantee risk is controllable and will not adversely affect the company. After this guarantee occurs, the outstanding external guarantees of the company and its holding subsidiaries amount to 2.568 billion yuan, accounting for 6.83% of the company's latest audited net assets.
Goldwind Science& Technology announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary Goldwind International Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited intends to transfer 100% equity of Wild Cattle Hill (Holding) Pty Ltd to Atmos Cwt Pty Ltd for a transaction price of 99.3 million Australian Dollar. Goldwind International will guarantee the performance obligations of Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited under the equity transfer agreement, with a guarantee amount not exceeding 99.3 million Australian Dollar (approximately 0.458 billion yuan). In addition, Goldwind Australia and Goldwind Queensland will jointly guarantee Goldwind Wild Cattle Hill Limited's obligation to pay the prepayment of capital gains tax involved in this transaction, with a guarantee amount not exceeding 7.479 million Australian Dollar (approximately 34.4789 million yuan). The Board of Directors believes that this guarantee risk is controllable and will not adversely affect the company. After this guarantee occurs, the outstanding external guarantees of the company and its holding subsidiaries amount to 2.568 billion yuan, accounting for 6.83% of the company's latest audited net assets.

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