
金源發展國際實業:2024/2025 中期報告


HKEX ·  Dec 16, 2024 17:06

Summary by Futu AI

金源發展國際實業公佈截至2024年9月30日止6個月的中期業績。期內,集團收入同比微增1.1%至10.38億港元,但由盈轉虧,錄得虧損246萬港元,去年同期則為盈利8,312萬港元。每股基本虧損為0.3港仙。董事會不建議派發中期股息。集團主要業務Circle K便利店收入為6億港元,同比增長1.9%。然而,投資物業公允價值變動錄得虧損1,390萬港元,去年同期則為收益7,983萬港元,成為業績下滑的主要原因。經營開支方面,銷售及分銷成本增加7.4%至2.39億港元,行政開支下降4.4%至1.23億港元。截至2024年9月30日,集團總資產為17.41億港元,較2024年3月31日輕微增加0.4%。流動比率由1.9下降至1.8,負債比率由2.8下降至2.7。展望未來,集團將繼續專注於核心業務的發展,並密切關注市場變化,適時調整策略以應對挑戰。
金源發展國際實業公佈截至2024年9月30日止6個月的中期業績。期內,集團收入同比微增1.1%至10.38億港元,但由盈轉虧,錄得虧損246萬港元,去年同期則為盈利8,312萬港元。每股基本虧損為0.3港仙。董事會不建議派發中期股息。集團主要業務Circle K便利店收入為6億港元,同比增長1.9%。然而,投資物業公允價值變動錄得虧損1,390萬港元,去年同期則為收益7,983萬港元,成為業績下滑的主要原因。經營開支方面,銷售及分銷成本增加7.4%至2.39億港元,行政開支下降4.4%至1.23億港元。截至2024年9月30日,集團總資產為17.41億港元,較2024年3月31日輕微增加0.4%。流動比率由1.9下降至1.8,負債比率由2.8下降至2.7。展望未來,集團將繼續專注於核心業務的發展,並密切關注市場變化,適時調整策略以應對挑戰。
GOLDEN RES DEV announced its interim results for the six months ended September 30, 2024. During the period, the group's revenue rose slightly by 1.1% year-on-year to HKD 1.038 billion, but it turned from profit to loss, recording a loss of HKD 2.46 million, compared to a profit of HKD 83.12 million in the same period last year. The basic loss per share was HKD 0.3. The Board of Directors did not recommend the payment of an interim dividend.The main business of the group, income from Circle K convenience stores, was HKD 0.6 billion, an increase of 1.9% year-on-year. However, the fair value changes of investment properties recorded a loss of HKD 13.9 million, compared to a gain of HKD 79.83 million in the same...Show More
GOLDEN RES DEV announced its interim results for the six months ended September 30, 2024. During the period, the group's revenue rose slightly by 1.1% year-on-year to HKD 1.038 billion, but it turned from profit to loss, recording a loss of HKD 2.46 million, compared to a profit of HKD 83.12 million in the same period last year. The basic loss per share was HKD 0.3. The Board of Directors did not recommend the payment of an interim dividend.The main business of the group, income from Circle K convenience stores, was HKD 0.6 billion, an increase of 1.9% year-on-year. However, the fair value changes of investment properties recorded a loss of HKD 13.9 million, compared to a gain of HKD 79.83 million in the same period last year, becoming the main reason for the decline in performance. In terms of operating expenses, the sales and distribution costs increased by 7.4% to HKD 0.239 billion, while administrative expenses decreased by 4.4% to HKD 0.123 billion.As of September 30, 2024, the group's total Assets were HKD 1.741 billion, a slight increase of 0.4% compared to March 31, 2024. The current ratio fell from 1.9 to 1.8, and the debt ratio decreased from 2.8 to 2.7. Looking ahead, the group will continue to focus on the development of its core Business and closely monitor market changes, adjusting its strategy in a timely manner to meet challenges.

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