


HKEX ·  Nov 28, 2024 20:00

Summary by Futu AI

截至2024年9月30日止六個月,毛記葵涌錄得收益44.6百萬港元,同比增長41.6%;淨利潤達4.7百萬港元,去年同期為虧損2.0百萬港元。毛利率提升至45.7%,主要因為數碼媒體服務及其他媒體服務的增長。每股基本盈利為1.56港仙。管理層指出,業績改善主要因為數碼媒體服務的溢利增加及策劃演出活動的收益提升。此外,收購To Be Honest 31%權益的分階段收購也帶來了公平值收益。公司將繼續專注於數碼媒體服務,以把握市場數碼化的機遇。展望未來,毛記葵涌預計數碼營銷服務需求將穩步增長,因為互聯網普及率上升及流動商務市場增長。公司將持續利用其優勢,協助客戶滿足市場需求,並計劃進一步提升品牌知名度。
截至2024年9月30日止六個月,毛記葵涌錄得收益44.6百萬港元,同比增長41.6%;淨利潤達4.7百萬港元,去年同期為虧損2.0百萬港元。毛利率提升至45.7%,主要因為數碼媒體服務及其他媒體服務的增長。每股基本盈利為1.56港仙。管理層指出,業績改善主要因為數碼媒體服務的溢利增加及策劃演出活動的收益提升。此外,收購To Be Honest 31%權益的分階段收購也帶來了公平值收益。公司將繼續專注於數碼媒體服務,以把握市場數碼化的機遇。展望未來,毛記葵涌預計數碼營銷服務需求將穩步增長,因為互聯網普及率上升及流動商務市場增長。公司將持續利用其優勢,協助客戶滿足市場需求,並計劃進一步提升品牌知名度。
For the six months ended 30 September 2024, Mau Kee Kwai Chung recorded revenue of HK$44.6 million, up 41.6% year-on-year; net profit reached HK$4.7 million and a loss of HK$2 million in the same period last year. Gross margin increased to 45.7% mainly due to growth in digital media services and other media services. Basic earnings per share were HK$1.56 cents.Management noted that the performance improvement was mainly due to increased profits from digital media services and increased revenue from planned performances. In addition, the phased acquisition of To Be Honest's 31% stake also resulted in fair value gains. THE COMPANY WILL CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON DIGITAL MEDIA SERVICES TO SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES OF DIGITIZATION IN THE MARKETPLACE.Looking ahead, Mau Kee Kwai Chung expects demand for digital marketing services to grow steadily, driven by rising Internet popularity and the growth of the mobile commerce market. The company will continue to leverage its advantages to help customers meet market needs and plans to further increase brand awareness.
For the six months ended 30 September 2024, Mau Kee Kwai Chung recorded revenue of HK$44.6 million, up 41.6% year-on-year; net profit reached HK$4.7 million and a loss of HK$2 million in the same period last year. Gross margin increased to 45.7% mainly due to growth in digital media services and other media services. Basic earnings per share were HK$1.56 cents.Management noted that the performance improvement was mainly due to increased profits from digital media services and increased revenue from planned performances. In addition, the phased acquisition of To Be Honest's 31% stake also resulted in fair value gains. THE COMPANY WILL CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON DIGITAL MEDIA SERVICES TO SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES OF DIGITIZATION IN THE MARKETPLACE.Looking ahead, Mau Kee Kwai Chung expects demand for digital marketing services to grow steadily, driven by rising Internet popularity and the growth of the mobile commerce market. The company will continue to leverage its advantages to help customers meet market needs and plans to further increase brand awareness.

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