
龍源電力:公告 - 完成發行中期票據


HKEX ·  Nov 28 18:08

Summary by Futu AI

China Longyuan completed the issuance of green medium-term notes on November 27, 2024, with a total amount of 2.5 billion yuan, a term of 3 years, and a coupon rate of 2.00%. The notes are primarily underwritten by the Bank of China as the lead underwriter, along with several other banks as joint underwriters. The raised funds will be mainly used to repay the upcoming due second issue of green medium-term notes from 2021. This issuance does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase any securities.
China Longyuan completed the issuance of green medium-term notes on November 27, 2024, with a total amount of 2.5 billion yuan, a term of 3 years, and a coupon rate of 2.00%. The notes are primarily underwritten by the Bank of China as the lead underwriter, along with several other banks as joint underwriters. The raised funds will be mainly used to repay the upcoming due second issue of green medium-term notes from 2021. This issuance does not constitute an offer or invitation to purchase any securities.

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