
中金公司:海外監管公告 - 2024年面向專業投資者非公開發行公司債券(第一期)發行公告

CICC: Overseas regulatory announcement - Announcement of the private placement of csi enterprise bonds for professional investors in 2024 (Phase I).

HKEX ·  Nov 25, 2024 17:35

Summary by Futu AI

China International Financial Co., Ltd. announced on November 25, 2024 that it will issue non-public corporate bonds (first tranche) to professional investors in an amount not exceeding RMB 3 billion. The quoted interest rate for the bond is between 1.50%-2.50% and the final rate will be determined by the principal underwriter based on the results of the bookkeeping profile. The JCC's current bond issue is not creditworthy and has a stable credit rating of AAA rated by China Integrity International.This bond issue uses a book-keeping method and is aimed only at professional institutional investors with the appropriate risk identification and capacity to assume risks, with no more than 200 issuers. Individual investors among ordinary investors and professional investors are not allowed...Show More
China International Financial Co., Ltd. announced on November 25, 2024 that it will issue non-public corporate bonds (first tranche) to professional investors in an amount not exceeding RMB 3 billion. The quoted interest rate for the bond is between 1.50%-2.50% and the final rate will be determined by the principal underwriter based on the results of the bookkeeping profile. The JCC's current bond issue is not creditworthy and has a stable credit rating of AAA rated by China Integrity International.This bond issue uses a book-keeping method and is aimed only at professional institutional investors with the appropriate risk identification and capacity to assume risks, with no more than 200 issuers. Individual investors among ordinary investors and professional investors are not allowed to participate in subscriptions. The bond has a face value of $100 and is issued at a moderate face value for 30 months, with an investor resale option.On April 25, 2024, the Chinese-owned company received a no objection letter issued by the Shanghai Stock Exchange with a registration size of not more than $10 billion. In 2023 and 2022, the company achieved distributable profits of $6.156 billion and $75.98 billion, respectively. The issuer undertakes to issue compliance and will disclose relevant information in the section of the Shanghai Stock Exchange website.

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