Summary by Futu AI
For the six months ended 30 September 2024, Jianhong Group Holdings Limited had revenues of approximately HK$75,068,000, down 0.6% from the same period last year. Gross loss decreased significantly to approximately HK$10,914,000 from approximately HK$51,192,000 in the same period last year, and gross loss decreased from 67.8% to 14.5%. However, the Group recorded a net loss of approximately HK$44,388,000, an increase from approximately HK$23,524,000 in the same period last year.Management noted that the decrease in revenue was mainly due to the reduction in works completed after the completion of some large projects. The Group's other income fell sharply, mainly due to the confirmation of compensation income from former holding companies in the same period last year. Administrative and other operating expenses increased by...Show More