
Intrusion | 8-K: Current report

SEC ·  Nov 12, 2024 22:29

Summary by Futu AI

James F. Gero, a long-serving director of Intrusion Inc., has notified the Board of Directors of his decision to resign effective November 20, 2024. The resignation comes as Mr. Gero, approaching 80 years of age, plans to begin his full-time retirement after nearly six decades of active professional life.Following Mr. Gero's departure, the size of Intrusion's Board will be reduced from six to five directors. The announcement was made through an SEC filing dated November 12, 2024.
James F. Gero, a long-serving director of Intrusion Inc., has notified the Board of Directors of his decision to resign effective November 20, 2024. The resignation comes as Mr. Gero, approaching 80 years of age, plans to begin his full-time retirement after nearly six decades of active professional life.Following Mr. Gero's departure, the size of Intrusion's Board will be reduced from six to five directors. The announcement was made through an SEC filing dated November 12, 2024.

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