

FE HOTELS: List of Directors and their Roles and Functions

HKEX ·  Nov 12, 2024 19:07

Summary by Futu AI

fe hotels (Stock Code: 00037) announced its board of directors members, including executive director David Chiu (Chairman, Director General Manager and CEO) and Emily Chiu, as well as non-executive directors Gigi Chiu and Harry Chiu. In addition, the company also mentioned the establishment of Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Nomination Committee, and disclosed the positions of each committee member. Independent non-executive directors William Choi and Joe Ng play important roles in these committees. The announcement was made in Hong Kong on November 12, 2024.
fe hotels (Stock Code: 00037) announced its board of directors members, including executive director David Chiu (Chairman, Director General Manager and CEO) and Emily Chiu, as well as non-executive directors Gigi Chiu and Harry Chiu. In addition, the company also mentioned the establishment of Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, and Nomination Committee, and disclosed the positions of each committee member. Independent non-executive directors William Choi and Joe Ng play important roles in these committees. The announcement was made in Hong Kong on November 12, 2024.

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