


HKEX ·  Nov 12, 2024 03:54

Summary by Futu AI

飛道旅遊科技有限公司(「本公司」)將於2024年11月26日(星期二)召開董事會會議,討論及批准截至2024年9月30日止六個月的未經審核綜合中期業績及其刊發。會議亦將考慮是否建議派發中期股息。本公司董事會成員包括行政總裁及執行董事鄭劍先生、徐曉蘭女士、王琛維先生,以及獨立非執行董事黃澤民先生、Rebecca Kristina Glauser女士及Juan Ruiz-Coello先生。董事會對公告內容的準確性和完整性承擔責任,並確認無任何誤導或欺詐成分。公告將於香港聯合交易所有限公司網站及本公司網站公布。
飛道旅遊科技有限公司(「本公司」)將於2024年11月26日(星期二)召開董事會會議,討論及批准截至2024年9月30日止六個月的未經審核綜合中期業績及其刊發。會議亦將考慮是否建議派發中期股息。本公司董事會成員包括行政總裁及執行董事鄭劍先生、徐曉蘭女士、王琛維先生,以及獨立非執行董事黃澤民先生、Rebecca Kristina Glauser女士及Juan Ruiz-Coello先生。董事會對公告內容的準確性和完整性承擔責任,並確認無任何誤導或欺詐成分。公告將於香港聯合交易所有限公司網站及本公司網站公布。
Flydoo Tech Limited ("the Company") will hold a board of directors meeting on November 26, 2024 (Tuesday) to discuss and approve the unaudited consolidated interim performance for the six months ended September 30, 2024, and its publication. The meeting will also consider recommending the distribution of interim dividends. The board of directors of the Company includes Executive Director and CEO Mr. Zheng Jian, Ms. Xu Xiaolan, Mr. Wang Chenwei, as well as Independent Non-executive Directors Mr. Wong Zemin, Ms. Rebecca Kristina Glauser, and Mr. Juan Ruiz-Coello. The board of directors takes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the announcement, and confirms that there is no misleading or fraudulent information. The announcement will be published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Company's website.
Flydoo Tech Limited ("the Company") will hold a board of directors meeting on November 26, 2024 (Tuesday) to discuss and approve the unaudited consolidated interim performance for the six months ended September 30, 2024, and its publication. The meeting will also consider recommending the distribution of interim dividends. The board of directors of the Company includes Executive Director and CEO Mr. Zheng Jian, Ms. Xu Xiaolan, Mr. Wang Chenwei, as well as Independent Non-executive Directors Mr. Wong Zemin, Ms. Rebecca Kristina Glauser, and Mr. Juan Ruiz-Coello. The board of directors takes responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the announcement, and confirms that there is no misleading or fraudulent information. The announcement will be published on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Company's website.

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